Āyurveda refers to the traditional, indigenous system of medicine practised in the Indian subcontinent and recorded over the past 2-3,000 years. It describes the inherent laws of nature and the laws of life itself. Āyurveda is advanced, well-developed and considered the most extended, continuously practised healthcare system known today. It has influenced the development and practice of other traditional medical systems. Āyurveda is a science that is adaptable, logical and practical for any person, place, or period on Earth. 

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine based on the principles of “let like cure like” and the “law of minimum dose”. In Homeopathy, crude substances that produce symptoms in healthy individuals are used in dilution to treat similar symptoms in individuals who are unwell, stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal. The practice of Homeopathy has been clinically used for over 200 years. It is now employed extensively worldwide to treat chronic illness, acute conditions, and minor ailments and as an adjunct to conventional treatments and medications. 

No. When you sign up to a membership, your membership will continue and auto renew from month to month until you cancel your membership. You can do this by clicking the cancel button in your Acuity page. 

Yes, you can reactivate a cancelled membership within a year provided you wish to be on the same membership plan. To do this, simply click the reactivate button in your Acuity page. 

That depends on many factors, including how long you have been experiencing your presenting complaint, how many other health interventions you have had, the amount of time you have available to implement and commit to the recommendations provided, how quickly your body responds to the changes, and more. 

You may be recommended Āyurvedic formulations, Homeopathic remedies or other supportive tools along the way, which are not included in the membership fee.

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