
“I am so grateful I made my first appointment and so grateful for the dramatic changes I feel within myself.”

“I was struggling so much in life. I felt I was wearing a happy mask but beneath the mask was depletion, anxiety and deep sadness. A constant struggle with depression, anxiety and fatigue. I felt defeated on so many levels.

I was eating a balanced diet and went to yoga regularly, but still the sadness and lack of energy was so deep I didn’t know what to do with myself. I felt I was a failure on so many levels and a fraud in the perception of the way I was perceived. People would say, “you’re so happy, calm and relaxed”. But inside me, all I felt was a continuous battle with demons, excessive thoughts that ran my life and nervousness.  

I had attended many of Katerina’s classes and found her teachings to be rich and a space where I felt deeply held. Her classes and workshops fed me on so many levels. Over time my curiosity grew and I made an appointment to see her. I had no idea what to expect but what I did know was that I loved her classes and I needed help.

I am so grateful I made my first appointment and so grateful for the dramatic changes I feel within myself. 

Katerina introduced me to daily Ayurvedic practices that have changed my life. I’m proud to say, after one year, they are still a part of my daily routine and I couldn’t imagine my life without them. I feel energised, am able to cope better with the demands of my work and don’t feel so restless. My body feels nourished, rested and I honestly feel happy within myself. I am enjoying life and feel optimistic about my journey. I learnt the importance of self care and nourishment for my body and I have never felt so alive.  

As a natural progression since my first consultation, I recently experienced a 6 day body treatment where every part of me was held, supported and heard in the releasing of built-up toxins stored from my body’s trauma. This healing brought a new breath and a space where my precious heart felt expanded, at ease and soft. An experience where I felt like a nurtured and loved goddess every step of the way! In the weeks following the treatment, I feel a pathway of a calmer, centred self. 

I am forever grateful for Katerina’s support, encouragement, holdings and tissues ☺. An unquestionable healer, devoted to sharing, guiding and supporting your soul’s journey to love. I am so grateful I took action and now experiencing feelings of rich fullness and ease within.”


“I had been having problems digesting for a few years and tried a whole range of remedies, probiotics and even changed my diet but I still felt bloated, like nothing was moving and sluggish, like I was carrying another person on my back. When I saw Katerina for a consult, she not only explained to me what I would need to reboot my system but what effect each herb would have on the stages of digestion. Her thorough knowledge of the body and how to bring balance back to optimal was amazing. The complexities of the body finally all made sense from an Ayurvedic perspective. 

After taking the herbs for a week, I felt an immediate shift. No more bloating, feeling tired and cramps. I also lost weight which was a great side effect too. I highly recommend anyone who wants to heal their digestive issues to go down the Ayurveda route.”


“After taking the herbs for a week, I felt an immediate shift. No more bloating, feeling tired and cramps.”

“I am forever in debt to her compassion and willingness to hold space for my learning, as a student of Āyurveda, and more importantly as a student of life.”

“I have had the utmost pleasure of working with Katerina in two ways! She not only is a fantastic mentor for Āyurvedic education, but also as a mentor for utilizing Āyurveda in a realistic and life changing capacity! 

As a lifestyle mentor, Katerina held space for consistent and sometimes challenging changes in my diet and lifestyle choices that inevitably created more energy, lightness, and vitality in my whole being. But I think my favorite part about working with Katerina is the complete lack of judgement I felt from her, and I was able to truly express my challenges and hurdles. While some of those challenges are lifelong struggles, and some were temporary, Katerina never made my experiences or choices a moral dilemma, and I’m very grateful for that. 

As a student, Katerina was able to support, encourage, and challenge my abilities to learn Āyurveda and therefore graduate my course as an Āyurvedic consultant. She was able to make the whole experience come to life through stories, examples, and conversation that I feel I would have been completely lost without. I am forever in debt to her compassion and willingness to hold space for my learning, as a student of Āyurveda, and more importantly as a student of life.”


“I’ve worked with Katerina both in her capacity as a health counselor and mentor to students of Ayurveda. Her knowledge and skills made her wonderful in both roles at guiding and advising on a practical level. She is very well organized and focused. I also enjoyed her spiritual openness that met the needs of the moment on occasion and created a well-rounded experience. Her grounding nature definitely made me feel safe, fostering an atmosphere for growth. I hope for many others to benefit from working with her!”


Her grounding nature definitely made me feel safe, fostering an atmosphere for growth.”

“I am now pain free, stress and anxiety are at an all-time low and I know what, when and how to nourish myself with correct diet and lifestyle choices.”

To work with a Katerina is to be in the presence of true grace, stability and unwavering integrity. These are rare traits to find in one practitioner. 

I arrived in chronic physical pain, feelings of stress and anxiety were at an all-time high and I didn’t know how or what to eat anymore. Katerina has offered me an open, safe and supportive space to ask questions and in response provided me with clear, easy to follow instructions to get my life and health back on track.  I am now pain free, stress and anxiety are at an all-time low and I know what, when and how to nourish myself with correct diet and lifestyle choices.  I have been gifted immensely valuable knowledge for true, positive and lasting results to my entire life and wellbeing.


As a sensitive person living in a busy city, receiving support and guidance from several exceptional health care professionals is an essential investment for me. To stay grounded and at ease in my sensitive nature Katerina has supported me with homeopathic and ayurvedic treatment plans. These treatments have helped me to balance and remedy significant digestive challenges, migraines and hormonal shifts. I love that her approach considers state of heart and mind just as much as any physical symptoms and by treating our wholeness, inner ease is better sustained.”

I love that her approach considers state of heart and mind just as much as any physical symptoms and by treating our wholeness, inner ease is better sustained.

“Katerina is a wonderful healer. I trust her and have now had her makeup herbs for my elderly mother to support her health and healing.”

“When travelling I get herbal support from Katerina. Her treatments really lesson jet lag. They have helped me boost my immunity so I didn’t get sick in India. In the past I have been very affected by altitude, but no longer get altitude sickness when travelling to high places in the world. Katerina is a wonderful healer. I trust her and have now had her makeup herbs for my elderly mother to support her health and healing. Thank you so much Katerina.”


“Thank you so much Katerina for giving me hope and helping me along my journey to wellness and bliss.”


“I realised that… I was happy. That I felt okay and that I hadn’t felt happy or even just okay for a grievously long time. That my back felt the best in my memory. That I slept.”

“…Later that day, as I found myself telling the story of this “crazy” yoga class to a friend, waving my hands comically above my head, people in the café staring and both of us in stitches, I realised that… I was happy. That I felt okay and that I hadn’t felt happy or even just okay for a grievously long time. That my back felt the best in my memory. That I slept.”


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I now have a deeper understanding of the science behind the nutrition which will help motivate me to get back on track to a healthier diet, self care and the vitality which I’ve been longing for.”


I now have a deeper understanding of the science behind the nutrition”